Frequently ask questions
Partner - Meta | Google | Linked In | Taboola
Frequently ask questions
Partner - Meta | Google | Linked In | Taboola
  • Why are we the most suitable agency for you ?

We pride ourselves on being a hands-on agency, providing personalized support and guidance to our clients.

Our team is known for delivering fast and efficient results, ensuring that your needs are met promptly.

We stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, allowing us to adapt quickly to changes in the digital landscape.

We are focused on realistic strategies that are grounded in practicality and aimed at achieving tangible results.

Our track record speaks for itself, as we have successfully helped numerous clients achieve their goals.

We are driven by the ambition to develop and implement unique strategies that set our clients apart from the competition.

With over a decade of experience in the SEO industry, we have established ourselves as a trusted agency that is dedicated to delivering exceptional results.

  • How do I bring my online store to the front ?

We frequently encounter the question of strategy and planning from our clients, and we understand the importance of having a well-thought-out approach. Simply taking action without a clear concept in mind doesn't yield meaningful results.

When developing a strategy, we focus on various aspects such as relevant topics, targeted keywords, and specific products or services. These elements need to be discussed and refined to reach a final strategy. Additionally, considering competitors is crucial, as conducting analyses, optimizing the CMS (Content Management System), implementing OffPage techniques, and creating high-quality content are all key components.

Our expertise extends to optimizing various online store platforms, including Shopify and Oxid. By implementing effective strategies, we aim to significantly enhance the visibility of online stores and drive meaningful results for our clients.

  • Can Shopware be optimized ?

We have a proven track record of successfully optimizing many Shopware 5.x installations for SEO, resulting in impressive sales and outcomes. We utilize a combination of plugins and custom developments to enhance visibility, achieve top 10 rankings, and raise awareness about SEO. Through our expertise and techniques, we have helped numerous clients achieve significant improvements in their Shopware-based online stores.

  • Can we optimize WooCommerce stores?

Certainly, achieving success in SEO requires more than just installing a plugin like Yoast. While plugins can be helpful, optimizing an online store to reach the top 10 rankings involves a comprehensive approach. It encompasses various aspects such as creating high-quality content, optimizing product descriptions, images, using bullet points effectively, and implementing OffPage optimization strategies. These efforts, along with other crucial factors, are necessary to drive an online store towards higher rankings and visibility. Our expertise lies in understanding and implementing these diverse elements to help our clients achieve their SEO goals.

  • How to optimize multilingual stores ?

In a multilingual store system, it is crucial to optimize each product individually for its respective language. It is important to consider the target market for each language and tailor the optimization accordingly.

For instance, products in Spanish language may not be as relevant or effective for the German market, but they can be more meaningful in English language due to the widespread use and search habits of English-speaking individuals.

By understanding the language preferences and search behavior of specific target markets, we can optimize products in a way that maximizes their visibility and appeal to the intended audience. This approach ensures that the right language is utilized for each market, leading to better engagement and potential sales opportunities.

  • How long should you use SEO ?

Indeed, SEO is not a one-time service, but rather an ongoing process that should be utilized consistently. The first page of Google's search results is constantly evolving, with businesses vying for the top positions. To have a competitive edge and maintain a presence in this dynamic landscape, it is essential to engage in SEO continuously.

By continuously implementing SEO strategies, monitoring performance, adapting to algorithm changes, and staying updated with industry trends, businesses can improve their visibility, maintain their rankings, and attract organic traffic. SEO is a long-term investment that requires ongoing effort and optimization to stay competitive and drive sustainable results.

  • How long does it take with SEO for the first results ?

The speed and efficiency of optimizing a website can vary depending on various factors such as the website's creation process, the content management system (CMS) used, programming techniques, cloud-based infrastructure, and internal approval processes within the company.

For small and medium-sized companies, the optimization process can potentially be faster compared to larger corporations. This is because smaller companies often have more direct control over their websites and can swiftly implement SEO assets, making a quicker impact on their search rankings.

However, regardless of the company size, it is important to understand that SEO optimization is a meticulous and ongoing process. While some changes can be implemented relatively quickly, achieving significant and sustainable results often requires continuous monitoring, adjustments, and refinement of strategies over time.

By considering the unique circumstances of each website and company, we can tailor our approach to optimize efficiently and effectively, ensuring that SEO efforts align with specific goals and timelines.

  • Do you (still) need SEO ?

The level of brand recognition and appeal plays a significant role in determining the necessity of SEO. Well-established brands like Apple, Nike, or Adidas may already have a strong online presence and brand awareness, making SEO less crucial for their overall brand visibility.

However, when it comes to specific products, such as individual sneakers sold by various retailers, SEO becomes important. Each retailer wants their products to be easily found by potential customers, and optimizing their online stores helps achieve that goal.

In general, having good findability through SEO is beneficial for any online store or service portal. It can reduce the reliance on paid advertising channels like search engine advertising (SEA) or paid social media, resulting in cost savings. Investing in search engine optimization can yield long-term benefits by driving qualified organic traffic to a website and improving its overall visibility and discoverability.

By implementing effective SEO strategies, businesses can enhance their online presence, increase organic traffic, and potentially reduce their reliance on paid advertising, thereby achieving a positive return on investment (ROI).

  • The following store systems are supported by us in SEO







  • The following content management systems are optimized by us






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