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Partner - Meta | Google | Linked In | Taboola

SEO: Themes, Keywords, Synonyms

The driving force behind attracting visitors to your website lies in achieving the best keyword rankings. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial component of Online Marketing that employs unique methods to deliver optimal results. With our extensive knowledge and 15 years of experience, we are well-equipped to position your website ideally in search engine indexes. Our focus centers on natural and topic-oriented link marketing, ensuring that every blog article is crafted with a journalistic perspective, providing unique and valuable content for readers.

In the ever-evolving field of SEO, innovation cycles are constantly shortening and transforming into disruptive innovations.

We specialize in optimizing online shop systems and websites. Our SEO support extends to the following shop systems: Shopware, WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify. For other systems, we conduct in-depth analyses to estimate their potential and create individual proposals tailored specifically to your needs.

Whether you require a simple web presence or a complex online portal, we cater to a wide range of websites. In addition to plain-text programming (HTML, PHP, JavaScript), we are proficient in supporting various Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Drupal, Contao, Typo3, Joomla, and HTML/PHP programmed websites. For other CMS platforms, we offer detailed analyses and develop custom proposals.

We have successfully optimized every common system for search engines. Feel free to contact us to request your free SEO consultation!

Here are five suggestions to improve your visibility on Google in a simple way:

1. Utilize clean URLs, such as /car-equipment-floor-mats.

2. Give descriptive names to your pictures instead of generic names like "picture1" or "picture2." For instance, if the pictures display floor mats for a specific car, name them as "Floor mats BMW Coupe."

3. Optimize the linking structure of your menu items for optimal navigation.

4. Be mindful of choosing the right keywords as they play a significant role.

5. While keywords are essential, their quantity should not lead to spamming. Maintain a balance.

For a long time, the primary focus of SEO was to optimize keywords for top positions, aiming to attract users and increase website traffic. These results contributed to the website owners' reputation and served as a rewarding outcome for SEO service providers. However, search engines and search engine result pages (SERPs) have undergone substantial changes in recent months.

Obtaining good keyword rankings alone is no longer sufficient, as search has become highly personalized. The websites shown to users in particular sequences depend on their individual interests. For example, if someone interested in vintage cars searches for "Mustang," the top search results will predominantly display old Ford Mustangs. On the other hand, someone interested in horses may see search results related to Mustang horses. While keyword rankings still hold importance, the overall visibility of keywords spread across the first three pages contributes to the visibility of the entire website.

In essence, cumulative visibility is the key to success!

With our expertise and experience, we are equipped to optimize your website's placement in search engine indexes. Initially, we offer a comprehensive analysis of your website free of charge, providing you with insights into your current status and future possibilities.

SEO Audit OnPage and OffPage

Through an SEO audit conducted on your website, you will gain insights into the current state of your website's search engine marketing. The audit includes a comprehensive evaluation of various technical on-page elements. The following aspects are assessed in the On-Page SEO Audit:

1. Indexing and cache

2. On-Page checks such as heading tags (Hx tags)

3. Content quality and relevance

4. Site architecture and structure

5. Internal linking strategy

6. Status codes and redirects

7. Page load time, including metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

8. International orientation, considering localization and language targeting

In the Off-Page SEO Audit section, we examine your website's backlink structure in detail. This involves identifying potentially harmful links as well as valuable backlinks that positively impact your website's performance.

The Off-Page SEO Audit covers the following aspects:

1. Domain-wide link risk assessment

2. Trustworthiness of backlinks

3. Link text analysis

4. Prioritization of link checks

5. Screening for any potential issues or concerns

By conducting a thorough SEO audit, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your website's current SEO status, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and develop an effective optimization strategy.

Voice Search – especially for local companies

The rise in mobile device usage, including smartphones and phablets, has led to an increase in voice searches through platforms like iPhone's Siri. Unlike the "OK Google" search, Siri doesn't rely on Google results but instead utilizes information from smaller search engines and Bing. This highlights the importance of optimizing websites not just for Google but for all search engines, including those used in voice searches.

Optimizing for voice search on iPhones requires more than just subscribing to these smaller search engines. It's essential to continuously monitor, optimize, and update your business data to maintain rankings and visibility. Neglecting this aspect could result in a loss of visibility or make it difficult for users to find your business. We are here to assist you in preparing your business for the future of SEO and ensure it is well-positioned for voice search optimization.

RankBrain & Knowledge Base Trust

In 2016, artificial intelligence took center stage in search engine technology, particularly with the introduction of RankBrain. This advanced feature allows search engines to anticipate user needs even before users themselves are aware of what they are looking for. In addition to the Hummingbird Update, the leading search engine in Germany can now identify webpages that provide verified knowledge to Google. This offers a clear advantage: users receive the information they need, often before they even ask for it.

The key to successful Google rankings lies in websites that offer keyword-relevant, semantic Hummingbird content. These websites are enriched with high-quality information, backlinks, and well-balanced link juice across various channels. J

If you require assistance or support with SEO, please do not hesitate to contact us.

360 Degree Videos for SEO

Enhance your website's SEO and KPI values with the utilization of 360-degree videos.

In the realm of search engine optimization, 360-degree videos have rapidly emerged as a powerful tool for success. According to Google, these videos boast significantly higher view-through rates (VTRs) compared to conventional clips. This means that viewers are more likely to watch 360-degree videos in their entirety.

Not only do 360-degree videos achieve higher click rates than videos with similar content, but their integration into websites has become seamless. This, in turn, positively impacts the duration of website visitors' stay, leading to improved SEO and KPI values. The video game industry is further driving the advancement of 360-degree technology, making it an integral part of the media landscape and viewers' habits.

360-degree videos not only enhance SEO, KPI, and VTR values but also tend to be shared more frequently on social media platforms, allowing for wider dissemination. The advantages of 360-degree videos are evident, and they can deliver exceptional results with minimal effort.

By incorporating interaction and offering an immersive experience, 360-degree videos captivate viewers, keeping them engaged on the page. The unique perspectives provided by 360-degree videos stimulate the desire to relive the content, making it more memorable and shareable.

In summary, leveraging 360-degree videos can significantly improve your website's SEO, KPI values, and viewer engagement while promoting social media sharing and creating a unique and compelling user experience.

Penalty & Backlink Portfolio Check

Panda and Penguin - Google's affinity for animals.

Received a manual action notification from Google? Penalized for your backlinks and unsure about the next steps? You've come to the right place! We specialize in assisting you with the process of submitting a reconsideration request and cleaning up your backlink portfolio.

TOP 10 Ranking Factors for SEO

Here are some aspects related to SEO metrics and indicators:

1. Social signals: The number of Google Plus and Facebook shares can indicate the popularity and engagement of a webpage.

2. Latent semantic indexing (LSI): Evaluating the number of domains with largely matching LSI terms can provide insights into the relevance and topical alignment of a webpage.

3. External link quality: Assessing the quality of external links, particularly those with partially coincident LSI terms, can indicate the credibility and relevance of the linked content.

4. Link diversity: Analyzing the number of linked C-blocks and IP addresses on a page can indicate the diversity and variety of sources linking to the webpage.

5. Anchor text optimization: Monitoring the number of external links with anchor text partial matches helps gauge the relevance and keyword optimization of the linked content.

6. Link domain diversity: Evaluating the number of link domains on a page can provide an understanding of the diversity and range of sources referring to the webpage.

7. User engagement: Considering the number of Facebook and Google Plus comments can reflect the level of audience engagement and interaction with the content.

8. Authorship: Identifying the author of a webpage can help establish credibility, expertise, and authority in the eyes of search engines.

These factors are commonly considered in SEO analysis and optimization to improve the overall performance and visibility of a webpage.

Core Web Vital

Core Web Vitals are crucial metrics that Google considers when evaluating a website's performance.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures how quickly the main content above the fold loads from the user's perspective.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) indicates the stability of a web page during layout construction. It is calculated by multiplying the Impact Fraction and Distance Fraction.

First Input Delay (FID) measures the time it takes for a web page to respond to a user's first interaction, such as clicking on a menu item.

Optimizing Core Web Vitals involves implementing the following initial tips:

1. Reduce website size to enhance loading speed.

2. Review and optimize the source code for improved performance.

3. Consider implementing Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for faster loading on mobile devices.

If you require more information or assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.

SEO Image optimisation

Since September 20, 2018, a Google patent has been in effect, focusing on images within search engine results pages (SERPs). The patent specifically addresses contextual disambiguation queries, which allow users to request real-time information from Google about a specific image they are viewing. Disambiguation refers to the process of resolving ambiguities, which can also occur in images when the exact meaning or interpretation of the image is not clear or well-defined.

TOP 10 SEO Ranking factors for Online Shops

Here are some factors to consider for optimizing video content on YouTube:

1. Video file names: Use relevant keywords in the names of your video files to improve their discoverability.

2. YouTube title: Craft a title for your video that includes relevant keywords to enhance its visibility in search results.

3. YouTube description: Write a description for your video that incorporates relevant keywords, providing additional information and context.

4. YouTube tags: Utilize relevant keywords as tags for your video to help categorize and classify its content.

5. Video format and aspect ratio: Opt for HD quality and a 16:9 aspect ratio to ensure a visually appealing viewing experience.

6. YouTube Channel's link popularity: Build links to your YouTube Channel from other authoritative websites to improve its visibility and credibility.

7. YouTube Channel reviews: Encourage viewers to leave reviews and feedback on your YouTube Channel to enhance its reputation and trustworthiness.

8. Usage popularity of the YouTube Channel: Promote your YouTube Channel across various platforms, increasing its popularity and engagement.

9. Link popularity of the internal video page: Build links to the specific video page on YouTube to improve its visibility and ranking in search results.

By considering these factors, you can optimize your YouTube videos for better visibility, engagement, and reach.

Download Casestudy Searchengineoptimization (SEO)

How do we begin with SEO?

1. Webpage analysis: We start by conducting a thorough analysis of your website to identify any existing issues or areas for improvement. This includes assessing the site structure, content quality, on-page optimization, and technical aspects.

2. SEO strategy: Based on the analysis, we develop a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored to your specific needs and goals. This includes keyword research, competitor analysis, content planning, and optimization techniques.

3. Tracking: We implement tracking tools such as Google Analytics to monitor website performance, track keyword rankings, and measure the effectiveness of our SEO efforts. This allows us to make data-driven decisions and continuously optimize your website for better results.

4. Results: Through regular monitoring and analysis, we evaluate the impact of our SEO strategy on your website's visibility, organic traffic, conversions, and other relevant metrics. This helps us understand what is working well and what adjustments may be needed.

5. Tools we use: We utilize a range of SEO tools to aid in our analysis and optimization efforts. This may include tools for keyword research, on-page optimization, backlink analysis, and performance tracking. Some common tools we use include Google Search Console, SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, and Yoast SEO.

By following these steps and utilizing appropriate tools, we can help improve your website's visibility, organic traffic, and overall performance in search engine rankings.